“Beer Guy” columns

The Once and Future Beer Guy

For about six years–roughly from 1996 to 2002–I wrote a weekly column about beer. It began in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, then was syndicated by Tribune Media. The syndication sounds grander than it proved in reality, though I was told that for a period I was the only writer in the U.S. producing a weekly column about beer for a mainstream newspaper.

Within the past year, I have returned to the saddle as the Beer Guy, currently writing every other week for the Times-Dispatch. Who woulda thunk? Well, the timing seems perfect, because the craft beer scene is bubbling like a fresh batch of wort.

When I began the columns, one of three promises I made was to have fun writing them so people would have fun reading them. Beer, though a serious beverage on many levels, should ultimately be fun.

It’s still fun, and I am continually impressed by the sense of community among brewers and those who enjoy good beer. I am in the process of updating this site to include current writings as well as past columns. I encourage feedback, plus I’d love for you to spend a few minutes looking at some of my other meanderings–as an outdoor writer, as a musician/songwriter, as a chronicler of my personal adventure through rock ‘n’ roll’s glory days, and just stuff.

Keep the faith.

2 Responses to “Beer Guy” columns

  1. Hi Lee,
    I just spoke with Jack Jackson. He says hi. He wrote a detailed and accurate account of the early days of the James River Homebrew Club. If you go to the club website, look in the directory column on the left side for club history link.

    Best regards,

    • admin says:

      Rob–thanks for your note. I got a nice email from Jack. Haven’t heard from him in ages, so I was glad to connect. I’ve read bits and pieces of the JRHB history and will now sink my teeth into it.
      Hoping to make the JRHB meeting Wednesday. And hope to see you soon.

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