Author Archives: admin

About admin

I am a writer. And a musician/songwriter. And a husband/father. I love good beer, the outdoors, the embrace of family, the company of true friends, the telling of a good story and the inner peace derived from quiet reflection in solitude. Recently I have specialized in beer writing. My most recent adventure is "Virginia Beer: A Guide from Colonial Days to Craft's Golden Age" published fall 2018 by University of Virginia Press. In October 2014, "Richmond Beer: A History of Brewing in the River City" was published by History Press. "Charlottesville Beer: Brewing in Jefferson's Shadow," followed in January 2017. Send me an email at As you can see from this site, however, my interests are broader than beer. Spend time, leave a comment or just enjoy. Lee

The amusing but strange case of Rover and the Duffer

Falling River Country Club lies outside Appomattox in an area of rolling hills and rich history. “Where Our Nation Reunited” reads a billboard on one road leading to the national park honoring the cessation of civil war. The 18-hole course … Continue reading

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A golden day to remember

Sept. 10, 2012 Sometimes, the call of the river is too strong to ignore. Sunday evening, after checking the weather forecast (glorious) and the stream flow data for various rivers (spotty), I loaded the kayak on the Jeep with plans … Continue reading

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James River Diary, July 2

Beauty is where you find it. I found solace and awe in the sunrises and stars on Afton Mountain, and now a different beauty unfolds on the James River in Richmond. Witness a scene while paddling in my kayak upstream … Continue reading

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A thought to carry

I saw the Dalai Lama once in D.C. and the man made  a significant impact on my life. He was so bubbly without being superficial, a fountain of positive, thoughtful, inspiring vibes. I have read several of his books and … Continue reading

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New song–“Some Roads”

I’m posting the latest of my musical meanderings. As usual, it’s just me and my guitars and my Garage Band, but this time my nephew Brett, a professional audio engineer in New York, has helped with the mix and really … Continue reading

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Afton Diary, Jan. 5

I exercised this morning. Not the usual running, biking, hiking, ellipticizing or grunting and groaning. I did an exercise I devised several years ago, one that’s so simple I can do it anywhere and invariably it leaves me relaxed, alert … Continue reading

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Afton Diary, Dec. 20

The sun came up today. Yep, it happened again. Go figure. I know because I’ve become a blithering, blathering sunrise junky. I set the alarm for 5-something, slap the snooze a couple of times, shuffle down to get the coffee … Continue reading

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Afton Diary, Dec. 16

I saw my first shooting star this morning. Not my first ever, as I’ve seen plenty of meteors, comets and assorted cosmic debris come streaking through the sky. They never cease to thrill. This, however, marked the first since embarking … Continue reading

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Afton Diary, Dec. 10

I counted my lucky stars (and planets) this morning as I started my very first run on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I began before the brunt of the rush-hour traffic. The only things moving were these deer in a meadow … Continue reading

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Afton Diary, Dec. 8

Dec. 8, 2011 I sit in front of a picture window facing east and watch the far ridge go through every shade of red, pink and orange I can imagine, like a river of color slowly flowing across the hills … Continue reading

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