Fine dining embracing fine beers


Normally — about eight days out of seven — I have a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich for lunch.

Not just any PB&J. Skippy Extra Crunchy Super Chunk Peanut Butter. Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly. And some good bread — Arnold’s Oatnut, for example. Mmmm good.

I tell you this so you’ll know where I’m coming from when I talk about fine dining. I’m no card-carrying foodie, but I’m learning, just as the denizens of Planet Gourmet are learning, that there’s a place at the best of tables for fine beer.


About admin

I am a writer. And a musician/songwriter. And a husband/father. I love good beer, the outdoors, the embrace of family, the company of true friends, the telling of a good story and the inner peace derived from quiet reflection in solitude. Recently I have specialized in beer writing. My most recent adventure is "Virginia Beer: A Guide from Colonial Days to Craft's Golden Age" published fall 2018 by University of Virginia Press. In October 2014, "Richmond Beer: A History of Brewing in the River City" was published by History Press. "Charlottesville Beer: Brewing in Jefferson's Shadow," followed in January 2017. Send me an email at As you can see from this site, however, my interests are broader than beer. Spend time, leave a comment or just enjoy. Lee
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